

Consider this evaluation (selection) criterion from an actual government RFP:

 Give the educational qualifications of the team members. (100 points) 

This sort of criterion is unevaluable and has the potential to cause at least four problems.

None of these scenarios end very well, some of them possibly in court. You don't want to be there.

This example is a specific case of an evaluation criterion that is missing one of its two essential parts.

See this short TimmiT article Criteria: Need Both Parts that explains the parts and why you need them.

TimmiT has a six-part structure for developing objective evaluation criteria and has tested it in many actual successful procurements. Because the evaluation criteria are objective, respondents know how you will evaluate them, evaluation committees quickly converge on consensus scores, debriefings are easy, and trade agreements are satisfied.

See the TimmiT article No Need for Anarchy for a broader perspective on this.

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